Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More Joneses

For those that read these pages from time to time, Antoinette (aka Aunt Squeaky) and I (aka Uncle Grumpy) have decided to adopt some children, and for everybody that knows me, knows that I don't do anything easy. Not at all, soooooo, we're in the process of adopting six (6) children ranging in age from five to sixteen, yes we have enough room. We purchased a five bedroom shack with an unfinished basement last year when the market was beginning to tumble. So wish us well, come by and see us. And yes Antoinette does know how to cook for that many people. Just call first.

On to other business, some of our elders are gathering this summer in Pennsylvania, I don't have the details handy, I'll talk to Uncle Al and my Pops to see what is going on and what information that they are willing to share.